The secret is out!
It's time for vaguvenation!
ThermiVa is a non-surgical solution for women who are looking for vaginal rejuvenation. An in-office procedure that can be done in 30 minutes with no down time, it tightens the vaginal canal. This helps to improve urinary stress incontinence, mild pelvic prolapse, vaginal atrophy (dryness) and enhance sexual gratification by increasing sensitivity and reducing laxity. Cosmetically it will shrink, tighten and soften the skin surrounding the vagina.
With ThermiVa there is zero recovery period and you may resume intimacy the same day. It is also a great treatment for those with Vagina dryness that does not use estrogen.
How does ThermiVa work?
ThermiVa is a radio-frequency device which stimulates collagen growth and tightens tissue and skin. Typically taking three treatments 4 to 6 weeks apart, it may help in tissue and nerve healing. Radiofrequency’s therapeutic effects on muscular and tissue healing is well known and has been used in physical therapy practices for decades.
Does ThermiVa hurt?
ThermiVa is “pain-free” and feels more like a warm and gentle massaging of the treatment area.
Benefits of ThermiVa
- Zero recovery period and you may resume intimacy the same day.
- Tightens the vagina at the opening and the full length of the vagina that is noticeable to patient and partner.
- Tightens the labial tissues and reduce sag and “Camel Toes.”
- Add softer and thicker skin and more moisture both internally and externally to make daily life and sexual intercourse more comfortable without the use of hormones.
- Helps with Mild to Moderate Stress Incontinence, reducing accidents and leakage and may reduce urge symptoms.
- May help with Sexual or Orgasmic Dysfunction.
Patients report that they are comfortable, relaxed and very pleased with the noticeable results. You can see ThermiVA patient before-and-after pictures here.
ThermiVa improves:
Vaginal moisture
Cosmetic look of labia
Urinary incontinence
Vaginal tightening
Sexual pleasure